An infrared sauna designed and built in the USA would cost you between $8,000-$9000 for a two person sauna.  That is just the fact.  We urge you to visit a popular Chinese retail website ( and in the search field enter "infrared sauna".   Yes, you will see 90% of all the saunas you have been looking at online coming straight from China.  They come boxed and ready to ship directly to your door.  The seller in the USA generally doesn't even take them out of the box to inspect them.


There are still sellers in the USA that import from overseas but do it the right way.  They either own the factory and or have offices in that country to oversee quality control.  This is expensive and frankly rare, but there are a few operating this way.


If a seller makes the claim of "Made in the USA" make sure to ask for proof.

Thanks to the folks over at it's apparent that almost all infrared saunas are coming from China.  The search below is for one week of imports.  We tried to find them all, however we were told a lot of consignees (sauna sellers) mask their name so they can't be searched.

PROTECT YOURSELF FROM made in usa claims

SHOPPING for an infrared sauna?